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Public Installation, Video

April 2020

100 Clay Roof Tiles, 1 Sledgehammer, 1 Pick Axe

10 ft x 50 ft

Los Angeles, California




To view the 1 minute 45 second video, click here














This video was a collaboration with artist Adam Guy to create a large scale installation in support of our global fight against the Coronavirus disease

(COVID-19). The goal of this piece is to express humanity’s strength and resilience to the global pandemic, but not without the truth that accompanies it: fear, anxiety, grief and more.    Clay tiles are frequently used as roofing on houses in Southern California. Listed as a give away on Craigslist they are a perfect symbol for the significance of “Home.” Lining up the tiles like dominoes, we spelled out the word “VIRUS” in 12 ft. letters then proceeded to crush the first three letters of the word with a sledge hammer and pick axe - leaving the remaining part of the word as "US.” We then documented the process via photography and video.    Both of us live alone in our art studios/warehouse across the hall from each other and had been self isolating for four weeks. With social distancing in place, this installation let us share the frustration of our challenges creatively while conveying that we are all in this fight together. 


A Letter To My Sister

Video 2015

Spitsbergen, Norway

Arctic Circle




To view the video, click here:














This video is part of a series of work

created while in an artist residency

program sailing on the Arctic Ocean

around Spitsbergen, Norway.

A Letter To My Sister represents the

fragility of both humans and our planet

as well as reminding us that all things

are temporary.

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A Letter To My Sister

Video Stills


Spitsbergen, Norway

Arctic Circle






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Affairs With Water

Video 2017

Marnay Sur Seine, France




To view the video, click here:
















This video is a commentary on

human being’s relationship with

water. Questions of conservation

and the value of the beauty of

nature come together with

questions of justice, equity, and

human rights.

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Affairs With Water

Video Stills


Marnay Sur Seine, France





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What Does Home Mean To You

Video, Writings, Drawings, Audio, Installations

2015 (ongoing)

Spitsbergen, Norway

Arctic Circle




To view the video, click here:












This video is part of a series of work created

while in an artist residency program sailing on

the Arctic Ocean around Spitsbergen, Norway.

A collection of interviews, written statements,

and audio recordings share people’s ideas of

what the word Home means to them. These

were then saved in a weatherproof time

capsule and buried for future generations

to find.

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What Does Home Mean To You

Video Stills


Spitsbergen, Norway

Arctic Circle





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What Is Home




La Corte Arte Contemporanea

Florence, Italy




To view the video, click here:













What Is Home presents a video created in response to a large

windstorm that hit the Tuscany region of Italy on March 5, 2015.

This Intense weather pattern is a mere sign of the increasing

impact of climate change internationally. Both people and

animals are currently being forced to relocate their homes as

a result of global warming, uprooting their cultures, their

traditions, and ultimately having to adapt to new environments

altogether. This piece shares individual's ideas and the

importance of the meaning of the word "home".

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What Is Home

Video Stills


Florence, Italy





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